Event Details
On October 7 we are returning to Barba Negra Music Club to celebrate our 8th birthday with a crazy concert show. Don’t forget to snatch at the pre-sale ticket (until October 3 – HUF 2500), so that you could have more Guinness to celebrate with!
We have invited brilliant musicians to the “Firkin 8” who will make the night even more unforgettabe: Leander Köteles (Leander Kills, vocal), Jenny Bracey (UK, vocal), Gergely Szabó “Szög” (Dalriada, keyboard) and Jimmy Mack Moore (UK, banjo). Firk’ yeah, banjo, too!
- HUF 2500 – until October 3
- HUF 3500 – after October 3
New Firkin T-shirt!
A brand new Firkin T-shirt will be waiting for you – first at the “Firkin 8” concert show at Barba Negra Music Club on October 7.
Check out our Facebook site on a daily basis for we are preparing with a valuable prize – something absofirkinlutely Irish! – for those who participate in“the big Firkin 8 game”.
Barba Negra Music Club
Hungary, Budapest,
Neumann János u. 2, 1117
2016. Oct 17.